Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Adding George Monbiot to Links

I originally referenced George Monbiot's web page because of his views and insights on nuclear and fossil fuels after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. A few posts below this is where you will find it.

Since I posted the info I have been following his site and below are two more subjects he has written about that I have found very amusing. I find his debates and articles refreshing, he takes a stand on subjects. He is passionate about his subjects, but logical and reasonable. 

A Bounty for Blair's Arrest, be sure to following the link in his posting to the web site he started.

The Nuclear Power Debate, you can link to the actual debate, this is not really a good debate as the green piece fellow and other consultant debating against the motion never really talked about the motion but about their own agenda, however it was still very insightful. Interesting how the subject of Bombardier losing a huge train order to Siemens came up. It is also interesting that in England they offer the same strange subsides to solar power as we do here in Ontario, which is ludicrous.

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