Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Investment Opportunity

The Good News is Industrial Revolution Ltd is back to pre-2008 sales levels and continuing to grow with long term written commitments from customers. Our year end was June 30 and for the 2011-12 fiscal year our sales were over $1.1 million and at the current monthly rate of sales and booked orders we are projecting at least $1.5 million this fiscal year. We currently employ 12 people and looking to hire more. One of our largest customers is growing very fast and expects their sales to increase 3 fold from current levels in the next 24 months in the section of the plant we supply product to. They have invested heavily in new equipment and production lines. Industrial Revolution supplies the clamping systems required for the product made on these new lines (along with engineering and design services for the product). This increase alone from this one customer over the next 24 months is expected to add another $0.75 million to our sales which is not accounted for in the more conservative sales number forecasted above. Our other major customer is also expecting to be steady for at least the next 5 years with possibilities for some huge contracts in the rail transportation industry.

The Bad News is the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 took a heavy toll on Industrial Revolution Ltd. We went through a restructuring, submitted a proposal that was accepted 100% by the creditors. Our trustee looking after the proposal said this was one of the most un-orthodox proposals he has worked on because we are paying 100% on the dollar over a period of time. Apparently this is not done very often.

The Investment Opportunity noted in the post title is we are looking for an investor or group of investors to refinance with through a second mortgage or to have someone assume all the outstanding. We are willing to pay a good interest rate and we have a fair amount of equity to borrow against. There are a lot of ways we can structure this to insure / guarantee the mortgage / loan including part ownership if that is of any interest to anyone. Our debt level has decreased substantially from the 2008 level to our current 2012 debt level. Our sales are back to pre-2008 levels and our order book is higher than it has ever been and we have committed long term sales.

Please contact Ted Cowan, P.Eng, President if there is any interest. Our contact info is available from the Industrial Revolution Ltd. Web site. Please check the blog for more info, as I want to document the trials and tribulations that has gotten Industrial Revolution to the point it is today and why this has made us such a strong reliable supplier to our customers which in turn make us a good investment.

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