Thursday, November 26, 2009

First Head to Head with China Since Starting The Blog

On November 12th, I had an entry "Can North America Compete". We are currently working on a project to produce 1000 welding machines. They are GMAW welding machines and our plan is to produce a 250 to 300 amp machine, approximately 40% duty cycle. We are currently working on our design, gathering prices for the components required and initiating trial testing on various parts of the machine.

Welding machines are not totally foreign to us as our business uses welding machines extensively as we are metal fabrication company. However with our experience in the foundry industry, specifically induction melting equipment, a standard CV welding machine is very simple when compared to induction melting equipment. Some of our recent larger fabrication projects have included the shunt / back iron for Linear Induction Motors where special attention is given to the magnetic properties and issues arising from this. All these experiences make us very qualified to produce a CV welding machine.

I am sure there will be problems and we will learn new things as we proceed with this project however our experience gives us a very solid base to start with. If you are a supplier for welding machine components or have any special knowledge or insight in this field, that you would be willing to share with us, we would welcome any and all suggestions.

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