Friday, November 13, 2009

Who Is John Galt?

It has been noted that I appear to be a huge John Galt fan. That is John Galt the main hero of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. To date I have not read any of Ayn Rand's material, however listening to the CBC, stories and thoughts of her's come up time to time.

To the library we go, actually on line to see if it is in, and it is not, the last person to take it out has not returned it and it is over due. Atlas Shrugged is a 1088 page book, no wonder it is overdue.

"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." -- John Galt

Not sure if this is me or not, will decide after reading the book.

The last few books I have read and really liked;
  • John Gray, Black Mass
  • John Gray, Straw Dogs
  • William D. McArdle, Exercise Physiology
The last book I have read and really did not like;
  •  Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code
    • I did not see the movie, but I kept hearing how great the book was. When it first came out my wife bought it for me, I tried to read it a few times but I could not get past the first few chapters. So a few months ago I decided I am going to read the book to the end. Thought was it must get better, but it did not get better. Now I am debating if I should rent the movie or not.

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